Yes, I’m moving into my FOURTH career – LAND & REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT to learn how to consult and design Eco-Villages and Eco-Resorts! Hugh Simpson
Continue reading →Yes, I’m moving into my FOURTH career – LAND & REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT to learn how to consult and design Eco-Villages and Eco-Resorts! Hugh Simpson
Continue reading →Recently I have been reading best selling author Dawson Church’s Mind to Matter and another book he recommended Stealing Fire, where I learned how US Navy SEALs at Team 6 HQ have installed a $5,000,000 Mind Gym with flotation tanks … Continue reading →
This is the book my client the late Robert Taylor wrote in 1994. He developed through extensive intensive research the OPTIMUM TIME for every aspect of your personal and business life. He had an aluminum siding company in Roswell, Georgia … Continue reading →